180 Doodle Quilting Designs: Free-Motion Ideas for Blocks, Borders, and Beyond

180 Doodle Quilting Designs: Free-Motion Ideas for Blocks, Borders, and Beyond

B. inggris Expressions of Giving an Opinion
I think ****
In my opinion
In my point of view....
Based on my opinion....
According to me/my opinion
bukan pg
lanjutan kalimat​

Expressions of Giving an Opinion
I think ****
In my opinion
In my point of view....
Based on my opinion....
According to me/my opinion
bukan pg
lanjutan kalimat​ - I think your dress is beautiful
- In my opinion the sky is clear today
- In my point of view you need to study harder
- based on my opinion this school is clean
- according to my opinion the student must do their homework diligently

Pada intinya, giving opinion atau memberi opini bisa diisi bebas sesuai dengan opini kita masing-masing.

Semoga membantu:) [answer.2.content]